Tobacco Connection

Course Outline

  1. Oral Health
    • Oral Cancer and Tobacco
  2. The Problem Death and Disease
    • Secondhand Smoke
    • Oral Cancer Tobacco
  3. Demographics of Tobacco Use
    • Smokers by Socio-Economic Status
    • Smokers by States
    • Smokers by Ethnicity/Race
    • Smokers by Gender
    • Smokers by Age
  4. Nicotine and Addictions
  5. Types of Tobacco
    • Cigarettes
    • Cigars and Pipes
    • Smokeless Tobacco
    • Bill Tuttle
  6. Tobacco R ole in the Etiology of Oral Cancer Periodontal Disease and Other Oral Lesions
    • Brief Historical Review
    • General Static
    • Tobacco and Precancerous Lesions
    • Tobacco and Oral Carcinoma
    • Tobacco and Periodontal Disease
    • Tobacco and Wound Healing
    • Other Oral Lesson Associated with Tobacco Usage Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivostomatitis (ANUG)
    • Teeth Changes Associated with Smoking
    • Conclusions
    • References
  7. Examining dentists’ role in tobacco and oral cancer control
    • Learning Objectives
  8. Smokeless Tobacco and Oral Cancer
    • References

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

  1. Provide a brief historical overview of tobacco use.
  2. Describe the link between tobacco and oral cancer.
  3. List 6 quitting tips for persons who use tobacco products.
  4. Organize a campaign to reduce the prevalence and use of tobacco among youth and teens.
  5. Compare and contrast the harmful effects of smokeless tobacco with cigarettes.
  6. Describe the beneficial effects of quitting smoking.
  7. Discuss the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.
  8. Discuss tobacco use among various demographic groups, such as states, ethnicity/race, gender, age, etc.
  9. Describe the addictive effects of nicotine.
  10. Describe how tobacco hinders wound healing.
  11. Identify precancerous lesions of the mouth caused by tobacco use by the patient and differentiate them from trauma-caused white plaque.