Successful Periodontal Therapy

Learning Objectives

Chapter 1                       Goals and Clinical Outcomes of Non-Surgical Treatment

  1. Describe a periodontal pocket.
  2. Define plaque.
  3. State methods required for removing endotoxins from root surfaces.
  4. Describe root surface instumentation.
  5. Discuss the elimination of calculus.
  6. Describe signs of a healing pocket.
  7. Compare the hygiene phase and instrumentation phase.
  8. Discuss the main conclusions of the Badersten studies from Table 1-2.

Chapter 2                       Hygiene Phase Therapy

  1. State the three crucial components of non-surgical periodontal therapy.
  2. Compare manual and powered toothbrushes.
  3. Compare the Bass technique and the Charters’ Method of brushing.
  4. Describe the three types of floss and tape.
  5. Describe chlorhexidine.
  6. List several key points of hygiene phase therapy.

Chapter 3                       Instruments and Instrumentation

  1. Briefly describe the five scaling instruments.
  2. Compare the Universal and Gracey curettes.
  3. Describe the two categories of mechanized instruments.
  4. List several advantages of ultrasonic instrumentation.
  5. Describe an ergonomically correct handle.


Learning Objectives

Chapter 4                       Managing Systemic Risk Factors

  1. Discuss the genetic risk factors for periodontitis.
  2. Explain negative effects on patients from genetic testing.
  3. Discuss the value of smoking cessation with patients.
  4. Describe the four stages of quitting and list the “Five Rs” approach.
  5. Discuss the two pharmacological smoking cessation aides.
  6. List several other risk factors for periodontitis.

Chapter 5                       Managing Local Risk Factors

  1. Discuss traumatic relationships and the classifications.
  2. List predisposing factors for traumatic relationships and the treatment.
  3. List interferences that lead to occlusion trauma and manifests clinically after orthodontic treatment or restorations.
  4. Compare primary occlusal trauma and secondary occlusal trauma.
  5. Define furcation and list the treatment options.
  6. State the causes and treatment for localized gingival recession.
  7. List several iatrogenic risk factors.

Chapter 6                       Adjunctive Treatments

  1. Discuss systemic antibiotics and the conditions they treat.
  2. Describe host modulatory therapy.
  3. Discuss the two types of local delivery systems.
  4. Compare the use of local delivery systems as monotherapy or as an adjunct.

Chapter 7                       Supportive Periodontal Care

  1. Compare the types of primary and secondary supportive periodontal care.
  2. Discuss the studies from the 1980s regarding the progression of periodontitis.
  3. Discuss probing depths and bleeding on probing.
  4. Discuss compliance with supportive periodontal care.