Learning Objectives
Chapter 1 History, Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Discuss the incidence of trauma to children’s teeth.
State the most accident-prone years and causes.
Compare the dental and medical history.
Compare the extraoral and intraoral examination.
Describe the pulp sensitivity tests.
Chapter 2 Prevention
Define the three types of prevention.
Discuss playground safety standards.
Describe the two types of mouth guards.
Chapter 3 Intraoral Soft Tissue Injuries
State the causes of soft tissue injuries.
Discuss treatment for the palate and tongue injuries.
Describe injuries and treatment of the gingiva.
Chapter 4 Primary Dentition Injuries
State the cause of primary dentition injuries.
State the treatment for soft tissues injuries, tooth injuries and crown and root fractures.
Describe concussion, subluxation, luxation and exarticulation.
List the three complications involving primary teeth.
List the injuries to the developing permanent teeth.
Chapter 5 Permanent Dentition: Uncomplicated Crown and Crown-root
Fractures, Infractions, Enamel fractures, Enamel-dentine Fractures,
Enamel-dentine –cementum Fractures
Discuss the incidence of injuries to the permanent teeth.
Describe an infraction and state the treatment.
Compare enamel fracture and enamel-dentine fracture.
Describe the restoration procedures for enamel-dentine fractures.
Learning Objectives
Chapter 6
Permanent Dentition: Complicated Crown Fractures: Enamel-dentine-pulp Fractures, Enamel-dentine-pulp-root Fractures
State the function of pulp and the treatment to preserve it.
Define pulp capping, pulpotomy and pulpectomy.
Compare the two techniques for obturation.
Describe mineral trioxide aggregate.
Chapter 7 Permanent Dentition: Root Fractures and Splinting
Describe how root fractures are diagnosed.
List four main categories of healing.
State the most significant factor in determining future pulpal prognosis.
Compare functional and rigid splints.
Describe several types of splints.
Chapter 8
Permanent Dentition: Concussion, Subluxation, Lateral Luxation and External Resorption
Define concussion, subluxation and lateral luxation.
Define transient apical breakdown.
Describe the three types of external root resorption.
Chapter 9 Permanent Dentition: Intrusive and Extrusive Luxations
Define intrusive luxation.
Define extrusive luxation.
Chapter 10 Permanent Dentition: Avulsion and Reimplantation
Discuss the cause and diagnosis of an avulsion.
Compare treatment for extra-alveolar dry time of less than one hour and more than one hour.
Chapter 11 Permanent Dentition: Dento-alveolar Fractures
Describe an “apical lock.”
Chapter 12 Child Physical Abuse
Discuss prevalence and etiology of child abuse.
Describe the types of orofacial injuries in child physical abuse.
List several injuries seen in the physically abused child.