Clinical Success In Management of Advanced Periodontitis

Roger Detienville, DDS
Assistant Professor
Department of Periodontics
School of Dental Surgery
René Descartes University-Paris 5
Paris, France

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

  1. Define periodontal disease.
  2. State the objective of periodontal treatment.
  3. State how periodontal disease is characterized.
  4. State how new guidelines and treatment have developed.
  5. Compare chronic and aggressive periodontitis treatment.
  6. Describe successful treatment in periodontal practice.
  7. Discuss the prevalence of periodontal disease in the United States. (Brown et al 1989)
  8. Define bacterial plaque.
  9. Compare the conventional radiograph film and the phosphor plates.
  10. List the two fundamental features of bacterial plaque.
  11. State why subgingival microbial plaque is difficult to eradicate.
  12. State the methods used for disorganizing biofilm.
  13. Describe the exogenous pathogenic micro-organism.
  14. Compare the red, orange, yellow and green complexes.
  15. State what determine the manifestations and severity level of periodontal disease.
  16. Compare endogenous and exogenous bacteria.
  17. State the risk factors for periodontitis.
  18. List the objective and subjective signs of periodontal disease and state the significant sign.
  19. State the main treatment of periodontal disease.
  20. Describe the four categories used to assess the degree of periodontitis.
  21. State the goal of supportive therapy.
  22. Compare qualitative and quantitative monitoring.
  23. Discuss the testing techniques and advantages of cultural analysis and DNA probe assays.
  24. List several destructive cofactors or complexity factors that are frequently encountered.
  25. Describe the two categories of therapeutic procedures for treatment.
  26. State measures used to reduce subgingival plaque.
  27. State the objective of scaling and root planning and why it is a difficult task.
  28. Describe the first and second phase of periodontal treatment.
  29. List the four assessments of antibiotic treatment efficacy.
  30. Discuss the use of chlorhexidine mouthwash.
  31. Define marginal chronic periodontitis.
  32. Define advanced chronic periodontitis.
  33. Describe the conventional treatment for mild and moderate chronic periodontitis.
  34. State the goals and methods for treatment in mild and moderate chronic periodontitis.
  35. Describe the treatment for generalized advanced chronic periodontitis.
  36. List the severity factors of advanced chronic periodontitis.
  37. Compare localized aggressive periodontitis and generalized aggressive periodontitis.
  38. Describe methods of treatment and goals for aggressive periodontitis.
  39. Describe treatment for bone defects.
  40. List the three classifications for interradicular lesions and the treatment.
  41. State the role of smoking as a risk factor in high risk patients.
  42. Discuss the role of diabetes in periodontal disease.
  43. Discuss the management and goals of treatment of advanced periodontal disease.
  44. State the prognosis to maintain or extract teeth.
  45. Discuss the role of bacteria in edentulous patients and those with natural teeth.
  46. Compare peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
  47. Discuss the orthodontic archwire.
  48. List several treatment considerations for periodontal maintenance.
  49. Discuss the role of the patient in daily maintenance therapy.
  50. List the early symptoms of inflammation.