Dental Drug Interactions

Dental Drug Interactions 3 Contact Hours

Course Outline

  1. Drug-drug interactions
  2. Adverse drug reactions
  3. Types of drug interactions
    • Pharmacokinetic
    • Pharmacodynamic
  4. Dental drug interactions with the greatest potential for serious side effects
    • Aspirin -oral anticoagulants (coumarins)
    • Epinephrine- propranolol
    • Epinephrine- tricyclic antidepressants
    • Erythromycin - carbamazepine
    • Erythromycin or ketoconazole- terfenadine
    • Erythromycin - theophylline
    • Ibuprofen - lithium
    • Ibuprofen - oral anticoagulants (coumarins)

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you will be able to:

  1. Define a drug interaction.
  2. Describe the mechanism by which tetracycline and calcium interact.
  3. Explain the mechanism of action by which warfarin and aspirin interact to produce hemorrhage.
  4. Describe the mechanism of a drug interaction that involves enzyme induction, and give one example of a drug that acts in this fashion.
  5. List common dental drugs, interacting agents and resulting effects.
  6. Name four common medical drugs with which salicylates interact. For each of the drug interactions, state the potential outcome.
  7. Describe the type of drug with which ibuprofen may interact. State a potential outcome.
  8. Explain the interaction between two different CNS depressants, and state specific group of drugs that are classified as CNS depressants.
  9. Describe the interaction between barbiturates and oral anticoagulants and the potential outcome.
  10. Explain the interactions between epinephrine and B-adrenergic blocking agents and between epinephrine and tricyclic antidepressants.