Stress Management (Ruthstiver)

Student Course Evaluation Form

We constantly strive to improve the quality and usefulness of our Internet study courses toward your continuing education. We ask that you fill out this questionnaire as part of the course assignment. This will allow us to monitor the quality of our program and make it responsive to your needs.


Please provide the following contact information:

  • Category: Stress Management (Ruthstiver)
  • Evaluation of the learning experiences provided by the Internet study course completed: (Check one letter: A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Fair, D = Unsatisfactory)
  • 6. Your assessment of course content:
  • hours
  • Are there other subjects areas that would interest you.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define stress from a holistic Perspective.
  2. Complete a Stress Management Self-Assessment Tool, and state how it could be applied within the health
    care setting.
  3. Define wellness from a holistic perspective.
  4. Identify the contribution of Hans Selye to the understanding of stress.
  5. Define General Adaptation Syndrome, and list the 3 stages.
  6. State one effect of stress on each of the following body systems:
    1. Cardiovascular
    2. Gastrointestinaldigestive
    3. Musculoskeletal
    4. Immune
  7. Complete the Mind-Body awareness exercise and state one potential application within the health care
  8. Define psychoneuroimmunology.
  9. Define personality.
  10. List 3 systems for categorizing personality type.
  11. List 3 characteristics associated with Type A personality.
  12. Complete a personality Self-Assessment Tool and state one potential application within the health care
  13. Complete a meditation for change, and state one potential application within the health care setting.
  14. Define soul.
  15. State 3 steps to caring for the soul.
  16. Complete a care plan for the soul.
  17. State 2 effects of stress on mental health and the mind.
  18. Define coping, and list 3 resources which can enhance coping skills.
  19. Complete a coping skills Self-Assessment Tool.
  20. Complete 2 relaxation exercises, and state a potential application for each in the health care setting.
  21. State 3 effects of movement/exercise on the body.
  22. State 2 ways in which exercise can play a role in stress management.
  23. Complete a Movement Meditation.
  24. State 3 cautions o be followed when exercising.
  25. Complete a food diary, and state one potential application within the health care setting.
  26. Describe the emotional and social factors associated with food.
  27. List 3 principles of proper nutrition to follow as part of a stress management program.
  28. State the connection between stress and dietary intake of caffeine and sugar.
  29. Define imagery, and give an example.
  30. Complete 2 imagery exercises, and state a potential application of imagery within the health care setting.
  31. List 3 Potential physical or emotional effects of music.
  32. Complete a Music Self-Assessment Tool.
  33. Define Entrainment.
  34. Complete 2 exercises incorporating music and imagery.
  35. State one way in which the therapeutic effects of music can be applied within the health care setting.
  36. State one therapeutic application of art or drawing within a stress management program.
  37. Define mandala and state on possible us for this form within the health care setting.
  38. Complete an exercise incorporating a mandala.
  39. Define burnout.
  40. List 3 occupational settings/characteristics which can contribute to occupational stress/burnout
  41. complete a job care plan.
  42. Describe how multiple life-roles can contribute to burnout.
  43. Discuss the impact of modern trends on women’s health.
  44. List 2 ways to prevent multiple-role burnout, and state one potential application to the health care setting.
  45. State 3 Points if successful goal setting.
  46. Complete a stress management care plan.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Stress Management for the 90s

Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Chapter 3: Stress: A Brief History and Discussion of the Concept

Chapter 4: Stress Energy

Chapter 5: Stress and the Body: The Mind-Body Dialogue

Chapter 6: Personality Type and Stress

Chapter 7: Type A Behavior and Stress

Chapter 8: Stress and the Soul: What is the Connection?

Chapter 9: Pulling it Together: Stress and Mental Health

Chapter 10: The Healing Power of Movement

Chapter 11: Back to Basics: We are What We Eat

Chapter 12: Imagery: The Oldest Healer

Chapter 13: Music: Ancient Healer in Modern Times

Chapter 14: Art: The Creative Pathway to Wellness

Chapter 15: Occupational Stress: Burnout Prevention

Chapter 16: World for Women (But Not for Women Only)

Chapter 17: Writing Yourself a Stress Management Care Plan: Commitment to Wellness

Chapter 18: Bibliography

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