Breastfeeding Made Simple New!)

Course Description

If you are a new or expectant mom, chances are you feel a little anxious about beginning to breastfeed. Although it seems like the most natural thing in the world, breastfeeding can often be a challenge.

This book offers straightforward, up-to-date advice from lactation experts. It includes the most effective breastfeeding techniques, way to avoid common problems, and new insights into your baby’s needs. Throughout the book you’ll learn how the seven natural laws will help you and your baby have a happy, healthy start.

Learn the seven natural laws of breastfeeding:

  • Healthy babies are hardwired to breastfeed
  • Mother’s body is baby’s natural habitat
  • Better feel and flow happen in the comfort zone
  • More breastfeeding at first means more milk later
  • Every breastfeeding couple has its own rhythm
  • More milk out equals more milk made
  • Children wean naturally

About Authors

Fred Friedberg, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor in the School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, Long Island, NY.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

  1. Define hardwiring.
  2. Describe the rooting reflex.
  3. Define the La Leche League.
  4. List one problem of the highly institutionalized left-brain approach.
  5. List several strategies by Christina Smillie for breastfeeding.
  6. Describe the position of the baby’s head when ready to breastfeed. (Glover 2002)
  7. List the two factors that temporarily decrease a baby’s urge to self-attach. (Righard
  8. Describe “Kangaroo Mother Care.”
  9. Describe the defense mode of separation.
  10. List four positive effects of skin-to-skin contact after birth.
  11. List four roles of oxytocin.
  12. Describe the research on “tend and befriend.” By Shelly Taylor.
  13. State how breastfeeding is a right-brained activity.
  14. List two reasons why you want your nipple to reach your baby’s comfort zone during
  15. List three steps to achieve a comfortable and effective latch-on.
  16. State how nipple pain is resolved.
  17. Describe the sandwich analogy.
  18. List several techniques to use for baby’s flailing hands.
  19. Describe the size of a newborn’s stomach.
  20. State why babies lose weight after the first few days.
  21. List three early feeding cues.
  22. Describe why the first breast milk is low fat (foremilk) as compared to hindmilk.
  23. List how many wet diapers you should expect the first few days.
  24. Describe meconium and transitional stools.
  25. State the normal number of times a baby should breastfeed in twenty-four hours.
  26. State the average weight gain per week for a fully breastfed baby.
  27. Describe why exclusively breastfed newborns do not become constipated.
  28. Describe what causes newborn jaundice.
  29. Define the “lying-in” period.
  30. Describe the role of a doula.
  31. State why morning is the time when milk supply is usually at its height.
  32. Describe the four types of mammals and where does the human infant belong.
  33. Define cluster nursing.
  34. List several sleep recommendations for babies.
  35. State the percent of babies who have a bad reaction to formula.
  36. State the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding the
  37. Describe the feedback inhibitor of lactation or FIL.
  1. Describe breast storage capacity of large and small capacity mothers.
  2. List four reasons a baby may want to breastfeed.
  3. State why bottle-feeding teaches a baby to overfeed.
  4. List two reasons to delay feeding solid foods.
  5. List several methods used by mothers to avoid breastfeeding in a less-than-friendly
  6. Compare partial and abrupt weaning.
  7. List a baby’s four signs of readiness to begin solid foods.
  8. Define engorgement and mastitis and the treatment.
  9. Describe the U.S. longitudinal studies comparing responsive mothers to less
  10. Describe how formula marketing is aimed at parents.
  11. List three breastfeeding goals before returning to work.
  12. List several ways to stop leaks.
  13. According to the table, (pg. 201), discuss how long mature milk and colostrum,
  14. State which hormonal contraceptive can lower the milk supply.
  15. Define engorgement and several interventions to alleviate it.
  16. List several causes of nipple pain.
  17. Describe the use of nystatin suspension for thrush.
  18. Describe two drugs that may increase milk production.
  19. List concerns of mothers with silicone implants.
  20. List four strategies to breastfeed a baby with a cold, flu, or ear infection.

Course Contents

PART I – The Laws

  1. Your Baby’s Birth
    • Law 1: Babies are Hardwired to Breastfeed
    • Your Babies Hardwiring
    • Are Mothers Hardwired, Too?
    • How Mothers Learn to Breastfeed
    • When the System Breaks Down
  2. The Power of Skin-to-Skin
    • Law 2: Mother’s Body is Baby’s Natural Habitat
    • Why Skin-to-Skin Feels Right
    • How Skin-to-Skin Works
    • When the System Breaks Down
  3. Latch-On: The Heart of Successful Breastfeeding
    • Law 3: Better Feel and Flow Happen in the Comfort Zone
    • What Every Mother Needs to Know About Latch-On
    • When the System Breaks Down
  4. The First Week of Breastfeeding
    • Law 4: More Breastfeeding at First Means More Milk Later
    • A Baby’s Transition After Birth
    • Breastfeeding Basics
    • How to Know When Breastfeeding Is Going Well
    • When the System Breaks Down
    • Summary
  5. How Your Baby Sets Your Milk Supply
    • Law 5: Every Breastfeeding Couple Has Its Own Rhythm
    • The Adjustment Period
    • Breastfeeding Norms
    • When the System Breaks Down
    • Summary
  6. Meeting Your Long-Term Breastfeeding Goals
    • Law 6: More Milk Out Equals More Milk Made
    • The Reward Period
    • How Milk Supply Works
    • Meeting Your Long-Term Goals
    • When the System Breaks Down
    • Summary
    • Law 7: Children Wean Naturally
    • A Weaning Overview
    • Weaning Basics
    • When the System Breaks Down
    • Summary
  8. What Interferes with the Laws
    • The Role of History and Culture
    • Commercial Pressures
    • Breastfeeding and the Medical Community
    • Summary

PART II – Applying the Laws

Daily Life with Your Breastfeeding Baby

  • Reentering the World with Your Breastfeeding Baby
  • Away from Your Baby
  • Lifestyle Issues
  • Expressing and Storing Milk
  • Medications and Contraception

Common Breastfeeding Challenges

  • Mother-Related Challenges
  • Baby-Related Challenges

Special Situations: Physical or Health Issues

  • Special Situations: Mother
  • Special Situations: Baby
  • When You Need to Temporarily Stop Breastfeeding
  • Alternatives to Feeding at the Breast
  • Pumping to Establish a Full Milk Supply
  • You’re on Your Way


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