Course Outline
Part 1: Depressive Illness: Overview Patient’s Guide
- Depression Is An Illness
- Recognizing Serious Depression
- Clinical Evaluation
- Suicide
- Causes of Depression
- Genetic Factors
- Biochemical Factors
- Environment and Other Factors
- Treatments
- Drug Therapy
- Psychosocial Therapy
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Treatment Choice
- Mild Episodes
- Moderate Depressions
- Severe Depressions
- Hospitalization
- Chronic Depressions
- Childhood Depressions
- Adolescent Depressions
- Depression Among The Aged
- Helping The Depressed Persons
- Where To Receive Treatment
- A Picture of Depression
- What is Depression?
- Types of Depressive Illness
- Symptoms of Depression and Mania
- Causes of Depression
- The Many Dimensions Of Depression In Women
- Women At Risk
- Developmental Roles
- Reproductive Life Cycle
- Specific Cultural Considerations
- Depression Is A Treatable Illness
- Helping Resources
- Helping Yourself
- Helping The Depressed Person
- References
- People Who Treat Depression
- Symptoms of Depression
- Another Form of Depression
- Preparing For Your First Visit
- Severe? Moderate? Mild?
- Treating Depression
- Types of Treatment
- How Treatment Works
- Choosing a Treatment
- About Hospitalization
- If You Have Concerns About Your Treatment.
- Antidepressant Medicines
- My Questions About Medicine
- Feeling Better
- Psychotherapy
- Types of Psychotherapy
- Choosing Psychotherapy
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Light Therapy
- Taking Care of Yourself
- Talking to Others About Depression
- Your Family and Friends
- Your Children
- Weekly Activity Record
Part II. Detection and Diagnosis of Depression
- Panel Members
- Abstract
- Executive Summary
- Overview
- Background
- Definition of Depression
- Literature Reviews and Guideline Development
- Interpretation of Scientific Literature
- Major Depressive Disorder
- Clinical Features and Course
- Epidemiology
- Costs of Untreated Major Depressive Disorder
- Subgroups of Major Depressive Disorder
- Dysthymic Disorder
- Costs of Untreated Dysthymic Disorder
- Depression Not Otherwise Specified
- Costs of Untreated DNOS
- Bipolar Disorders
- Subtypes of Bipolar Disorder
- Cyclothymic Disorder
- Mood Disorder in Special Age Populations
- Children and Adolescents
- Geriatric Patients
- Alcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency
- Anxiety Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
- Somatization Disorder
- Personality Disorders
- Grief and Adjustment Reactions
- Stroke
- Dementia
- Diabetes
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Antihypertensives
- Hormones
- Histamine-2 Receptor Blockers
- Anticonvulsants
- Levodopa
- Antibiotics
- Antiarrhythmics
- Clinical Clues
- Screening Instruments
- Patient Self-Report Questionnaires
- Clinician-Completed Rating Scales
- Differential Diagnosis of Depression
- Laboratory Tests
- Psychological Tests
- Ongoing Clinical Reassessment
- References
- Acronyms
Part III. Treatment of Major Depression
- Abstract
- Executive Summary
- Overview
- Rationale for Guideline Development-The Cost of Depression
- Methodological Background
- Specific Methodological Strategies
- Review of the Literature
- Meta-Analysis
- Benefits and Harms of Treatment
- Medications
- Psychotherapy
- Combination of Medication and Psychotherapy
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Clinical Management
- Improving Adherence to Treatment
- Measuring Outcome
- Declaring a Treatment Response or Failure
- Switching Versus Augmenting Treatments
- Objectives of Acute Phase Treatment
- Indications for Acute Phase Treatment
- Treatment Selection
- Selection of Medication
- Selection of Psychotherapy Alone
- Selection of Combined Treatment
- Select of ECT
- Treatment Refusal
- Indications for Acute Phase Medication
- Evidence of Efficacy
- Antidepressant Medication Selection
- Frequency of Visits
- Medication Dosage Adjustments
- Antidepressant Drug Blood Levels
- Failure to Respond
- Continue Medication
- Switch Medication
- Augment Medication
- Add Psychotherapy
- Obtain a Consultation
- Objectives and Indications
- Evidence for Efficacy
- Cognitive Therapy
- Behavioral Therapy
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Martial Therapy
- Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy
- Factors Affecting Response to Psychotherapy
- Selection of a Psychotherapy
- Frequency of Visits
- Failure to Respond
- Objectives and Indications
- Evidence of Efficacy
- Selection of a Combined Treatment
- Frequency of Visits
- Dosage Adjustments
- Failure to Respond
Chapter 7. Guideline: Acute Phase Management with ECT
- The Suicidal Patient
- Geriatric Depression
- Seasonal Depression
- Depression and Other Nonpsychiatric Medical Disorders
- Depression and Other Psychiatric Disorders
- Objectives and Indications for Continuation Treatment
- Objectives and Indications for Maintenance Treatment
- Continuation/Maintenance Phase Management with Medication
- Evidence of Efficacy
- Frequency of Visits
- Medication Dosage Adjustments and Antidepressant
- Symptom Breakthrough
- Discontinuation of Medication
- Continuation/Maintenance Phase Management with Psychotherapy
- Cognitive Therapy
- Behavioral Therapy
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Marital Therapy
- Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy
- Factors Affecting Decisions about Continuation/Maintenance
- Continuation/Maintenance Phase Management with the Combination of Medication and Psychotherapy
- Discontinuation of Treatment
- A Second Opinion or Referral
- Primary Care Practitioners
- Patients and Families
- Consultations with Mental Health Care Professionals
- References
- Acronyms
- Glossary
- Contributors
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