List of Courses

Course #: 4525 Course Title: Alternative Medicine Expanding Medical Horizons
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 30 Price: 59.95 Online: Y
Course #: 1211 Course Title: Clinical Nutrition
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 30 Price: 57.95 Online: N
Course #: 1212 Course Title: Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, and Health
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 30 Price: 67.95 Online: Y
Course #: 1210 Course Title: Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 10 Price: 42.95 Online: N
Course #: 2225 Course Title: Eating Disorders
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 10 Price: 39.95 Online: Y
Course #: 2226 Course Title: Eating Disorders (Advances in Psychotherapy)
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 15 Price: 49.95 Online: (Test Only)
Course #: 2500 Course Title: For Women Only
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 10 Price: 37.95 Online: Y
Course #: 2217 Course Title: Health Effects of Mold
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 10 Price: 38.95 Online: N
Course #: 4510 Course Title: Healthy Immune System
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 30 Price: 71.95 Online: Y
Course #: 4505 Course Title: How to Strengthen the Immune System closed out sale!
Course Objectives & Outline
Contact Hours: 30 Price: 47.95 Online: Y